Bed and Breakfast Web Site Design & PromotionA bed and breakfast inn depends on its web site to attract guests. The web site has to look good, be easy and inviting, but more importantly, has to be seen. Unfortunately, even large companies that have been representing B&B's for a long time, produce sites that are nearly invisible to search engines, then they charge you a fortune to manage your website promotion in ways that are effective in the short term, but disappear as soon as you stop sinking money into it. They intentionally build dependent relationships. I've been a web designer for nine years, specializing in search engine optimization for five years and an innkeeper for five years. I am a moderator at FUD Watch (formerly Search Guild), a search engine optimization forum and I spend a fair amount of time running and answering questions on , a Bed and Breakfast advice forum. Before you undertake a decision to have someone build or promote a website for your bed and breakfast, please read through the Advice section for a list of web design mistakes to avoid and to read up on schemes used by less ethical web site promotion companies. Just because they make a lot of B&B web sites does not mean they are using the best practices for your site. I believe strongly that an educated customer is my best customer, so I take the time to make sure you understand what I am doing to your web site and why. There is no smoke and mirrors here, just safe and sensible methods of making sure guests find your site easily and regularly. |
Inngenious B&B Web Site Promotion • 1228 Vermeer Dr. • Nokomis, FL 34275 • (607) 280-4878•