B&B Web Design Mistakes: #9 One-way valve pagesMany website designers have the misconception that visitors to a website all start on the home page and then make their way into the site. If a web site is designed correctly, it is entirely possible that a search engine may land a person inside the website, instead of on the home page. If all of your traffic is coming through your home page, then it's a sign that something is wrong with the design of your site. If your navigation is set up correctly, this poses no problem at all. If someone uses a search engine to find restaurants in your area and finds your restaurant page, that is great, as long as there is a way to get from your restaurant page to all the other pages on your website. A "one-way valve" page is created when a page provides no way to get back to the rest of the web site. It sounds obvious, but I run across a lot of Bed and Breakfast websites that have them. They are easy to identify, simply look for any web page on your website that has no links. Also, one-way valve pages can be caused by the use of javascript popup windows, or frames in your website so make sure you read up on why its not a good idea to use frames on your website (mistake #6)
Advice for B&B website designUpdated:
Inngenious B&B Web Site Promotion • 1228 Vermeer Dr. • Nokomis, FL 34275 • (607) 280-4878•